Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: address is a correct spelling of a word based on Latin ad- + directus. It appeared in English around the XVI century from Anglo-French adrescer, adresser. Address is more similar in spelling to the Latin ancestor. Version adress with one d is a misspelling and therefore is not correct.

Definition of address:
noun: a place where someone lives marked with a number, street, and town name;
The package was delivered to the wrong address.
– numbers and letters that compose a unique sequence by which a place on the Internet can be recognized or where an e-mail can be sent
You can find my e-mail address and a phone number on my website under this address.
Verb: – to mark direction on a letter or a package
I need to address this parcel, but I do not have any information on whom.
– to speak or to write to someone (formal)
He likes to be addressed as Sir.
– to pay attention to a problem
The delivery issue is about to be addressed by the end of the week.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: adress is the incorrect version of a word address. It comes from Latin ad- + directus, but in English appeared directly from Anglo-French adrescer, adresser around XVI century, first as a noun and then a verb. Address should be written with double d and the version adress is not correct.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling