Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: sometimes, the users think that the word also is a blend of two English words all and so and because of that they spell it in the wrong way, namely allso. However, this form is incorrect so do not use it.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: the word also, which we use today, has its origin in the Old English form alswā, and even then it had a similar meaning to the present one. The word often starts a sentence and it is followed by a comma then, but, depending on the context, it can also occur in the middle of a statement.

Definition of also:
1. adverb – additionally, too,
She is a beautiful woman and she is also brave.
2. adverb – in a similar manner,
Tea with milk is also not my thing, I prefer coffee just like you.

Expressions with also:
The word also often appears in a grammar construction not only…but, also. The expression is used to join two things, events, especially when they make us feel shocked or surprised.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling