Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: the word amezing is just a mistake – there’s no reason to spell it like that. If you look at its etymology, you’ll clearly see that the only correct version of this adjective is amazing. It’s a derivative of the verb amaze that originates from Middle English. Some people may get confused, because of the pronunciation. Always remember to carefully check your spelling.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: amazing is a commonly used adjective. It’s a combination of two parts, neither of which should be changed. When spelling it, we must pay attention to both parts (amaze + -ing). The correct version contains two -a vowels. It is not entirely clear where the misspelling amezing came from, it may be due to pronunciation. Amazing is the only correct form.

Definition of amazing:
adjective, causing great surprise or sudden wonder
The young artist showcased her amazing talent, capturing the essence of her subjects with incredible skill and precision.
The students’ creativity and teamwork resulted in an amazing science project that impressed both their classmates and the teacher.

Collocations with amazing:
Some most commonly used collocations include:
1. Amazing talent: highlighting someone’s exceptional skill or ability.
The young pianist displayed amazing talent, captivating the audience with their flawless performance.
2. Amazing achievement: recognizing an outstanding accomplishment or milestone.
Graduating with honors was an amazing achievement after years of hard work and dedication.
3. Amazing view: referring to a breathtaking or stunning sight.
From the mountaintop, we had an amazing view of the vast valley below, surrounded by majestic peaks.
4. Amazing discovery: signifying the finding of something remarkable or previously unknown.
The archaeologists made an amazing discovery, unearthing ancient artifacts dating back thousands of years.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling