Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: both CC’ed and CC’d mean the same thing: that someone was carbon copied or courtesy copied on an email. The choice between the two forms is mostly a matter of personal preference or the style guide you are following. In more formal writing or professional settings, CC’d is generally the more common and preferred form. However, in less formal or casual writing, you might encounter CC’ed more often, especially in emails and other digital communications. This style might be influenced by how people tend to write and shorten words in a more informal setting.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: the phrase CC’d is an abbreviation of carbon copied or courtesy copied. It is used in the context of email communication to indicate that someone has been sent a copy of an email message in addition to the main recipient. When you cc someone on an email, they are not the primary or main recipient, but they will receive a copy of the email for informational purposes. You can use CC’d in the following scenarios: informational emails, sharing updates, introducing someone, including supervisors or managers. Cc’d and CC’ed are used interchangeably.

Definition of CC’d:
verb (past tense, past participle), to send someone a copy of (an email, letter, or memo)
I sent the progress report to the project manager and CC’d the team members for their awareness.
The supervisor was CC’d in the email chain to stay informed about the ongoing discussion between the departments.

Collocations with CC’d:
Some most commonly used collocations include:
1. CC’d for review: this collocation indicates that someone is being copied on an email to review its content or provide feedback.
The document was CC’d to the editing team for review before finalizing it.
2. CC’d on correspondence: this collocation refers to someone being included in the communication thread for all related correspondence.
The client was CC’d on all correspondence regarding their project to ensure transparency.
3 CC’d in a message: this collocation indicates that someone has been included in a message’s recipients.
The CEO was CC’d in the message regarding the company’s financial performance.