Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: the word conference comes from French confrence (15c.), from Medieval Latin conferentia, and from Latin conferens, present participle of conferre. It consists of two elements: confer- (the root) and -ence (suffix). The spelling may seem confusing because many words in English end with -ance. You must remember conference is not one of those words. Conferance doesn’t exist.

Definition of conference:
noun, a large, formal meeting at which there are groups of talks on a particular subject, or a small, private meeting for discussion of a particular matter
I am looking forward to attending the international conference on climate change next month to learn more about the latest research and strategies for mitigating its impact.
The organizers of the business conference scheduled a series of networking events to give participants the opportunity to connect and exchange ideas with one another.

Collocations with conference:
Some most commonly used collocations include: to attend a conference, international conference, business conference, academic conference
I am planning to attend a healthcare conference next month to learn about the latest trends and best practices in the industry.
The International Conference on Artificial Intelligence will be held in Beijing next year, and experts from around the world will be attending to share their insights and expertise.
The annual business conference is a great opportunity for entrepreneurs and business owners to network and learn from industry leaders.
I will be presenting my research paper on the impact of social media on mental health at an upcoming academic conference in London.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: the word conference may be problematic to many English users because it ends with the -ence suffix, which is very similar to -ance. Both of these suffixes exist and work in the English language and sometimes it’s unclear which one we should use. In this case, we must choose the -ence, because etymology indicates that. Conferance is just a mistake and it needs to be avoided.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling