Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: when you want to form the past form of a regular verb in English, you simply add the -ed ending to it as e.g. in case of happened. However, because of the pronunciation, many English users think that there is no -e letter in this suffix and they spell happened as happend, which is wrong.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: happened is the past form of the verb to happen. The origin of the word is unclear, but it probably comes from Old English. Happened already functioned in Middle English and its base form had the form of happenen or hapnen. In late Middle English, however, it already had the form of happened.

Definition of happened:
1. verb (the past form) – to appear or to come into existence;
Nobody is sure what happened, but there must have been some serious accident as a few people seem to be hurt.
2. verb (the past form) – to appear or do by chance;
They happened to reach their destination without looking at the map, they just followed their gut feeling.

Collocations with happened:
Some common collocations with happened include:
1. happened out of the blue – suddenly, when no one expected it;
It happened so out of the blue that I had no time to react appropriately.
2. whatever happened to something – used when something disappears and we don’t know where to look for it;
Whatever happened to my mobile? I can’t find it anywhere, but it must be somewhere here.
3. never happened before – happened for the first time;
I know his behavior was rude, but taking into consideration that it has never happened before, let’s just forget about it.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling