Correct spelling


Correct spelling, definition: hobbyist is a combination of two elements: the noun hobby and the suffix -ist, which is used to form words describing people who perform specified actions. It means that the root of this form is the noun hobby. In this case, the two vowels (-y and -i) are next to each other and there is no change in the spelling. Therefore, the only correct form is hobbyist, not hobbiest.

Definition of hobbyist:
noun, someone who does something as a hobby
I love watching Mark play video games. He’s a real hobbyist!
Taking photos is not my profession. I’m just a hobbyist.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: there is no such word as hobbiest, because the ending -est is used to grade adjectives (when it comes to superlatives) and the correct form, hobbyist, is a noun. The mistake may come from the fact that the vowel -i looks more natural next to the vowel -e rather than -y.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling