Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: the word hygiene is troublesome when it comes to its spelling. Probably one of the most common spelling mistakes made in hygiene is to spell it as hygene. Many users of English simply forget about the -i letter in the middle of the word as maybe they associate the pronunciation with the word gene. Nevertheless, the only correct spelling is hygiene.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: the word hygiene entered English in the 16th century from French. However, the origin of hygiene can be found in Latin and Greek forms of hygieina and hugieine, which could be translated as art of health. The root of these forms is the word hugies, which means healthy. In modern English hygiene functions as a noun.

Definition of hygiene:
1. noun – to keep something clean in order to prevent diseases;
This country has very poor standards of hygiene so if I were you, I wouldn’t go there.

Collocations with hygiene:
Some commonly used collocations with hygiene include: hygiene regulations, good hygiene, and food hygiene.
As you are a new employee it’s crucial that you get familiar with our hygiene regulations.
Washing your hands thoroughly is the number one rule of good hygiene.
Food hygiene is extremely important when you run a restaurant.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling