Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: when we want to form an adjective in English, a popular suffix added to a word is -y. However, the spelling of the root word sometimes has to change. That happens in the case of the word noisy. When we add the -y ending to the word noise, the -e letter disappears. Therefore, the correct spelling is noisy, not noisey.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: noisy is an adjective from the noun noise. We can form adjectives from nouns by adding a suffix to a noun. If the noun has an -e in the ending, this letter is removed, and then -y is added as a suffix. That’s why the only correct form of this word is noisy, not noisey.

Definition of noisy:
adjective, making a lot of noise
I live in a noisy neighborhood, that’s why I have trouble sleeping.
Turn off your phone, it’s so noisy!

Collocations with noisy:
Some most commonly used collocations include: extremely noisy, a noisy crowd, and noisy and dirty.
I don’t enjoy spending time with children – most of them are extremely noisy.
Mark doesn’t like concerts. Noisy crowds give him anxiety.
The city itself is noisy and dirty.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling