Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: the origin of the word omit can be tracked in the Latin form omittere, which came into being as a combination of the prefix ob, which meant down, and mittere, which could be translated as let go. When it comes to English omit entered it in the Middle Ages. In modern English omit is a widely used verb.

Definition of omit:
1. verb – to exclude something or not to do something,
He wanted to omit a few questions in the questionnaire as he considered them to be too personal.

Phrases and expressions with omit:
Common phrases and expressions with omit include: omit from, completely omit, and controversially omit.
He agreed to omit some numbers from the report, which is a fraud.
The teacher decided to completely omit the questions which were not discussed during the lessons.
He was brave enough to controversially omit our boss from the invitation to the party.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: one could say that omit shouldn’t cause any spelling problems as the word is short and relatively easy to spell. Nevertheless, maybe because of that some English users think that it is too short and they add an extra -m letter to omit, which results in an incorrect form ommit.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling