Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: the word reset is correct in all three forms (present, past simple and past participle) due to the fact, that it is a version of the verb set, which is irregular and is spelled and pronounced the same way in all forms (setsetset). Therefore reset is not only the base form but also past simple and participle forms. Reseted would imply that reset is a regular verb, which is untrue.

Definition of reset:
verb, to set something again
I have reset the programme but it still isn’t working.
Reset the timer to 10 seconds.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: reseted is a mistake, because reset is irregular, just like its base form set. -ed ending is added only to regular verbs, while past forms of irregular set (and thus also reset) are: set and set. This means that reset is the correct spelling in all 3 forms of the verb.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling