Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: many users of English tend to forget about the first i letter in the word train when the -ing ending is added. As a result, they misspell the word as traning, which is wrong. The only acceptable spelling is training.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: the word training, which has the base form in the verb to train, comes from the Latin language. Back then it had the form trahere and it used to mean to pull or to draw. Training, however, entered Middle English from Old French, in which it already had a form similar to the one we know today as it used to be traine or train. The meaning of training which is used in contemporary English appeared a little bit later.

Definition of training:
1. noun – acquiring a new skill that, for example, is needed for a job; a sporting activity session.
I know it’s time-consuming, but after a training period, you will get a significant pay rise.
Janet has got training at the gym almost every day and I can see that she’s exhausted.

Collocations with training:
Common collocations with training include: basic training, formal training, and staff training.
New workers need to undergo basic training in order to learn how to operate the machines.
Despite the fact that he doesn’t have any formal training, he’s really good at marketing.
The staff training will be held tomorrow at 8 am so be punctual.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling