Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: if you want to form an ordinal number in English, in most cases you add -th ending to a number, e.g. we have fourth, fifth or sixth. As a result, many users of English make a mistake by adding this ending also to number 2, which gives an incorrect form 2th. The only correct form is 2nd.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: it is a Middle English word that has its origin in the Latin form secundus, which had a similar meaning to the contemporary one. It comes from 2, but as an ordinal number, we add -nd to it, which results in the form 2nd.

Definition of 2nd:
ordinal number – usually used in dates,
Today is the 2nd of December, which is my mother’s birthday.

Expressions with 2nd:
Some common expressions include:
take 2nd place – when something is less important than something else,
Family always goes first while work takes the 2nd place.
English as a 2nd language – it’s when English is not your native language, but you use it on a daily basis because, for example, you live in a country where it is spoken,
I was born in China, but I’ve been working in England for many years so I treat English as my 2nd language.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling