Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: some English users make a mistake and they spell the form wants as want’s. The latter form is incorrect as the ‘s form can be added to a noun to show possession or it can be a short form of the verbs is or has, which in the case of wants is impossible. Therefore, the only correct spelling is wants.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: wants is either a plural noun or a third form singular in the Present Simple tense. The word itself derives from the Old Norse, but back then it had a completely different meaning as it meant be lacking. It was a few centuries later that wants acquired the meaning of need or desire.

Definition of wants:
1. verb (3rd form singular) – when someone wishes for something or needs something,
He wants to change his job, but he lacks courage in this field.
This flower desperately wants water, otherwise, it will die.
2. noun (plural) – needs or desires,
I’m not a demanding type of person and my only needs are a bed and access to water.

Phrases with wants:
Some popular phrases with wants include:
1. wants a hand – needs help,
She is quite a talented programmer, but she still wants a hand from someone more experienced from time to time.
2. wants out of – stop being involved in something,
She wants out of the relationship every time it starts to become more serious.
3. wants for something – not to have something that you need,
She’s homeless, but she never wants for food.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling