Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: the correct word is a combination of prefix a- and the verb cross (to go through). a-+cross= across, so adding one more c in the middle doesn’t make any sense.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: as the word across has its origins in a particular verb, any other form is mistaken.

Definition of across:
1. preposition, from one side to the other, on the opposite side
We must start chase until they run across the border!
– He wasn’t in the church this Sunday. – Yes, he was! He was sitting across the aisle.
2. adverb, crosswise; happening on the opposite side
Do you think you are the only one who lost his bonus? You’re wrong, the financial problems go all across the company.

Idioms and phrases with across:
run across, to simply run through something fast, but also to meet or find someone (or something) by accident, not intentionally: Do you remember Darrel, my ex-boyfriend from high school? I run across him in the gallery last week.
put (yourself) across, to express yourself in such a way that everybody understands what is on your mind: Let me put myself across: it won’t be an easy test, so you should better prepare.
come across like, to impress people in a particular way, or to appear for them as someone: How do I look? Do I have a chance to come across as a serious candidate?

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling