Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: acess is the incorrect version of word access. It appeared in Middle English as accesse around the XIV century but originates from Latin accessus. On that basis, the spelling access was developed in time. This is why the correct spelling is access with double c and not acess.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: word access originates from Latin accessus. Then it appeared in Middle English around the XIV century as accesse, which led in time to the current spelling access. That is why the correct version is access and not acess.

Definition of access:
noun: ability to enter, pass or approach to and from a place/a person;
The only access to the island is by boat or helicopter.
– the right or ability to use or obtain something;
My position in the company doesn’t give me access to the most important files.
Verb: to be able to get to or inside a place to obtain something;
The office is accessed only by authorized personnel.
– to be able to enter, use, open, load, or get near something;
That file can be accessed by many users online and offline.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling