Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: address can be either a noun or a verb. The word is borrowed from Anglo-French adrescer, adresser, but based on Latin ad- + directus. Address appeared in English around the XVI century as a noun. The current spelling with double d is probably inspired by the Latin ancestor. On this grounds, the correct spelling is address and not adress.

Definition of address:
noun: a place where someone lives with the numbers, street name, town, etc. by which the place can be recognized
I will write down my new address for you, so you can send me the rest of my clothes.
– a series of letters or numbers by which a place on the Internet can be recognized or where an e-mail can be sent
This is my company’s e-mail address and web site address, there you can find all the details about our products.
Verb: – to write a name and address on the letter, package, etc.
I have almost twenty letters left to address by tomorrow.
– to speak or to write to someone (formal)
In her speech, she addressed the government and the Prime Minister.
– to deal with a problem, to pay attention to something
The issue of food shortage needs to be addressed as quickly as possible.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: adress is a misspelled version of address. Address is based on Latin ad- + directus, but came to English from Anglo-French adrescer, adresser. The current spelling, address, is probably based on Latin. Therefore, adress with one d is a mistake and the correct one is address.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling