Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: artical is an incorrect word mostly because of its structure, which suggests it’s an adjective instead of a noun. In general, English words ending in the suffix -al are seen as adjectives. On the other hand -cle which is pronounced in the same way is a proper suffix here, so article is the correct spelling of the word.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: article comes from the Latin word articulus which was subjected to many major changes over the centuries. In this case, the most notable change is the change of -culus to -cle. Many Latin and Greek words ending in -culus or -klos were adjusted to English spelling and pronunciation by using the suffix -cle, resulting in words such as article.

Definition of article:
1. a distinct, numbered part of a document, often used in legal texts
You can find the most important information in article 1 of the Terms and conditions.
2. the group of words used to specify nouns, in English a, an, and the.
German has a lot of articles and I’ve got some trouble grasping how to use them.
3. a text, mostly journalistic in nature
Since I went on a diet, I read article after article on healthy eating and nutrition.
4. an item of a specific category
The labeling of the article was faulty, so we had to redo the whole batch.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling