Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: the word continuous causes some trouble when it comes to spelling as many English users tend to forget about the first -u letter. As a result, a common mistake is to spell the word as continous instead of continuous. The former version is wrong, though, so next time you spell the word, make sure you write it correctly.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: the origin of the word continuous can be found in Latin words con and tenere, which later formed one-word continere, with the meaning of hanging together. Later, the word got the form continuus and the meaning of uninterrupted. Finally, in the 17th century, it entered the English language as continuous.

Definition of continuous:
1. adjective – without any interruption or pause;
The operation was over two weeks ago, but I still feel continuous pain in my leg.

Expressions with continuous:
Some interesting phrases include:
1. continuous employment – working for the same employer for a long period of time and not working for anyone else at the same time;
My work history is mainly continuous employment for the last 10 years.
2. continuous assessment – the educational system in which students are not graded by a final exam, but during the whole course;
By many specialists continuous assessment is considered to be more effective than final exams.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling