Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: felt shouldn’t cause any spelling problems as it is a short and simple word and maybe because of that some users of English think it’s too simple and make a mistake by spelling the word as fealt instead of felt. The former version is wrong, though, and the only correct spelling is felt.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: felt, which is the past simple and past participle form of feel, is a popular English verb. Felt derives from Germanic and Dutch languages and more precisely from the form vilt. Felt could be found in Old English, in which it had the form of filter.

Definition of felt:
1. verb – to experience something in a physical or emotional way; to have an opinion; to touch;
I felt horrible pain a few days after the operation.
I felt that I shouldn’t take this job despite the fact the salary was good.
The mother felt her son’s forehead to see if he’s got a temperature.

Idioms with felt:
Some common idioms with felt include:
1. felt bad (past form) – to feel ashamed because of something,
Jane felt so bad about breaking up with her boyfriend, but it was the right thing to do.
2. felt like doing something (past form) – to want to do something,
I felt like doing something crazy yesterday so I got my first tattoo.
felt something in your bones (past form) – to believe in something, to feel something in your guts,
I felt in my bones that he wasn’t telling me the truth.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling