Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: fourty-six is not the right spelling, because it contains a long vowel. It’s worth mentioning that both forty and fourty were around in Early Modern English as different pronunciations. This mistake occurs very often among many English speakers because the spelling of number 4 is four and the spelling of number 14 is fourteen. However, we must remember that the only correct form is forty (and hence forty-six).

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: this word is a numeral and it appears between forty-five and forty-seven. Forty is spelled according to the original Early Modern English pronunciation, the fourty spelling died out quickly in the 1600s. Forty (with the short vowel) is similar to fifty in shortening the -ow before the -ty. Nowadays, the only correct form is forty, and hence forty-six. Fourty-six is a mistake.

Definition of forty-six:
numeral, the cardinal number occurring after forty-five and before forty-seven
Forty-six percent of customers shop from their mobile devices.
My friend’s father is forty-six years old.

Incorrect spelling

fourty six

Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling

forty six

Incorrect spelling