Correct spelling

make do

Correct spelling, explanation: the correct phrase is make do. It means to manage or cope with the resources or circumstances that are available, even if they are not ideal. It suggests finding a way to get by or make the best of a situation with limited resources. On the other hand, make due is not a recognized phrase in standard English. Always use make do when referring to managing with available resources or making the best of a situation.

Definition of make do:
phrase, manage with the limited or inadequate means available
Despite the lack of proper tools, they managed to make do with what they had, crafting a makeshift shelter in the wilderness.
In times of scarcity, the resourceful chef could always make do with a few simple ingredients to create delicious and inventive dishes.

Collocations with make do:
Some most commonly used collocations include:
1. Make do with: to use or accept something less satisfactory because what you really want is not available.
She had to make do with an old computer until she could afford a new one.
2. Make do and mend: a phrase that encourages frugality and resourcefulness, often associated with repairing and reusing items instead of discarding them.
During tough times, people would often make do and mend their clothes rather than buy new ones.
3. Make do without: to manage or cope without something that is usually considered necessary or desirable.
They had to make do without electricity for a week during the power outage.
4. Make do for: to use something as a substitute for what is really needed.
A folded towel served as a make-do pillow for the unexpected overnight guest.

Incorrect spelling

make due

Incorrect spelling, explanation: make do (two separate words) means to manage, cope, or get by with the resources, materials, or circumstances available, especially when they are not ideal. It’s about finding ways to make the best of a situation despite limitations. Make due is not a standard English phrase. The correct phrase is actually make due with, and it means to ensure that something is paid or provided when it’s owed or expected.