Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: the difference between omniscience and omniscient lies in their grammatical roles and meanings. Omniscience is a noun that refers to the quality or state of being all-knowing or having complete and unlimited knowledge. It is a characteristic often attributed to deities or gods. Omniscient is an adjective that describes a person, entity, or being as possessing the quality of omniscience, meaning that they have complete and unlimited knowledge or awareness.

Definition of omniscience:
noun, the state of knowing everything
In many religious beliefs, the concept of God’s omniscience is central, as it signifies His complete knowledge of all things.
The philosopher contemplated the limits of human understanding in the face of the universe’s vastness, contrasting it with the idea of divine omniscience.

Collocations with omniscience:
Some most commonly used collocations include:
1. Divine omniscience: refers to the belief in the complete and all-knowing knowledge possessed by a deity, often discussed in religious theology.
The doctrine of divine omniscience plays a central role in many religious faiths.
2. Omniscience of God: specifically relates to the concept that God possesses complete and unlimited knowledge of all things.
The theologian wrote extensively about the omniscience of God in his theological treatise.
3. Human understanding of omniscience: discusses the limitations of human comprehension when trying to grasp the idea of complete knowledge or awareness.
Philosophers have debated the extent of human understanding of omniscience throughout history.
4. Mystery of omniscience: suggests that the concept of omniscience is mysterious and challenging for humans to fully comprehend.
The mystery of omniscience has led to numerous philosophical inquiries and debates.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: the choice between omniscience and omniscient depends on how you want to use these words in a sentence. If you want to describe someone or something as having all-knowing knowledge, you would use omniscient (as an adjective). If you want to refer to the concept or quality of having all-knowing knowledge, you would use omniscience (as a noun). The words omniscient and omniscience share the same word-formation base. They both have their roots in the Latin word omniscius, which means all-knowing or having complete knowledge.