Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: the word appeared in English in Middle English after it came from the Old French word estomac. The meaning of the word has significantly evolved during the centuries as at the beginning it had the meaning of feeling offended.

Definition of stomach:
noun – an organ in our body in which we digest the food we eat,
I need to ask my doctor about the problems with my stomach I’ve recently had.
noun – soft part of our skin that is below our chest,
Put your hand on my stomach to feel the baby kicking inside me.
verb – to try to accept something difficult or unpleasant and try to struggle with it,
The idea of looking for a new job was hard to stomach for me at first.

Collocations and idioms with stomach:
The word stomach can be found in many English collocations and idioms, e.g.:
have a strong stomach – to have the ability to eat many things, even unpleasant ones, without any stomach problems,
I don’t know how he manages to eat such spicy food on a daily basis – he has an incredibly strong stomach.
not have stomach for something – not being courageous enough to do something difficult or unpleasant,
I really wanted to try bungee jumping, but I don’t have stomach for extreme sports.
settle your stomach – it is when you feel better after some stomach problems,
After a stressful day, a cup of hot tea always settles my stomach.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: many users of English spell the word stomach wrong by adding to it a letter -e at the end. The mistake probably comes from the fact that a common expression with stomach is stomachache, which has -e letter at the end. Stomach, however, ends only with -h letter, so the form stomache is incorrect.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling