Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: the base form of texts is text and it can be either a noun or a verb. Therefore, texts may be a plural noun form or the third singular present simple form of the verb. The origin of texts can be found in Latin forms textere and textus. However, texts entered English in the Middle Ages directly from an Old Northern French form, which is texte.

Definition of texts:
1. noun (plural form) – pieces of writing, such as books, articles, etc.,
The exam is in a few days and I still have a few long texts to read.
2. noun (plural form) – quotations from a piece of writing,
His last book is so inspirational that I noted some of the texts down.
3. verb (3rd form singular of present simple) – to write a message using a mobile phone,
We rarely see each other, but she texts me from time to time.

Collocations with texts:
A few popular collocations with texts include: set texts, analyze texts, and handwritten texts.
I will provide you with a list of the most essential set texts that you have to be familiar with before the exam.
Before we move on to the next point, we need to analyze a few texts, which will provide us with some information on the topic.
When the author’s family started to clear the house after his death, they found plenty of handwritten texts, which will be a valuable remembrance of him.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: texts is a short word with a simple spelling. Nevertheless, the pronunciation of the word with the -s letter at the end is difficult for a number of English speakers so they put an extra -e letter to make it simpler. It results in textes, which is an incorrect form and the only correct spelling is texts.