Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: this mistake may come from the fact that the basic version of the present participle/gerund of this word is have. When we want to create a new form, we add the suffix -ing to the end of the root. The thing is that if a verb ends with the -e vowel, this letter must disappear in the present participle/gerund. That’s why the correct spelling is having, not haveing.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: having is a derivative of the verb have. To create a present participle/gerund, one must add the regular suffix -ing to the end of this word – the general rule is to add -ing to the verb. Although, when a verb ends in a silent -e, we drop the -e. Therefore, the correct form is having and the incorrect one is haveing.

Definition of having:
noun (gerund), the state of possessing, owning, or holding something
Despite having a headache, he went to work anyway because he didn’t want to miss an important meeting.
Having breakfast every morning is important for maintaining a healthy diet.

Collocations with having:
Some most commonly used collocations include:
1. Having a conversation: talking with someone, engaging in dialogue
We sat on the porch, having a conversation about our plans for the future.
2. Having second thoughts: reconsidering a decision, feeling uncertain
After she accepted the job offer, she started having second thoughts and wondered if she had made the right choice.
3. Having an impact: influencing or affecting something or someone
The new policies are having a significant impact on the company’s bottom line.
4. Having a baby: giving birth to a child, becoming a parent
They’re expecting their first child next month – they’re both very excited about having a baby.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling