Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: the original Latin word for intelligent is intelligere, which guides us on how to spell this word currently. There is no good reason to get rid of one l like in inteligent. Some words are changed over time when they assimilate into English, but only if this simplifies pronunciation or helps adapt the word – intelligent is good as it is, so remember to spell it with a double l.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: in English, there is no clear-cut rule as to when letters are doubled in a word. In most cases, like it is with intelligent, the main reason for a given spelling is the etymology. Intelligent comes from the Latin word intelligere, which dictates the structure and spelling of the word. And, sure, the suffix -ent was added to make the word more English, but besides that, the word stays very similar to its original form.

Definition of intelligent:
1. smart, clever; with the capability to learn quickly
Dogs are considered to be one of the most intelligent animals, but in fact, pigs are even smarter!
My mom is a very intelligent and knowledgeable person, but even she can make stupid mistakes sometimes.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling