Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: masturbation is an English word that appeared for the first time in the 18th century. It entered English from the Latin word masturbari. Earlier origins of the word masturbation are not clear, but it is probably associated with the Greek words mazdo, which meant pe*is, and turbare, which meant to disturb.

Definition of masturbation:
1. noun – refers to the act of touching your own sexual organs to give yourself sexual pleasure; Masturbation is quite common among young boys, but it is a completely natural thing and you shouldn’t be worried about that.

Masturbation word family:
Other forms that come from the same word family as masturbation are: masturbate – a verb, masturbatory – an adjective.
You need to masturbate in the lab in order to give your sperm for the tests.
When she was walking down the street, they were making some masturbatory hand gestures, which was really offensive.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: a common mistake made in the word masturbation is to spell it as masterbation. It is probably the result of the pronunciation of the word and the fact that there is a word master in English. However, the only correct version of the word is masturbation.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling