Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: presence is an English noun that causes some trouble when it comes to spelling. Many English users make a mistake and spell presence as presense, which is wrong. English users probably associate the word with sense, but the two words have nothing in common and the only correct spelling is presence.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: presence appeared in English in the times of the Middle Ages, but the word itself has its origin in the Latin word praesentia, which could be translated as being at hand. Presence also entered French and it was where English acquired the word from. In modern English presence is a noun used in rather more formal contexts.

Definition of presence:
1. noun – being in a place;
I’m so happy you’re here with me – your presence makes me feel more relaxed.
2. noun – a type of personal quality which makes you be noticed and admired even if you don’t do anything special;
Her stage presence is truly amazing and she catches everybody’s eye the moment she appears on the stage.

Collocations with presence:
A few common collocations include: mere presence, grace somebody with presence (often used ironically), and in somebody’s presence.
Even the mere presence of kids in the room makes him feel annoyed.
How kind of you to grace us with your presence after all!
You shouldn’t have made any remarks about John in her presence.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling