Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: resign and re-sign are two distinct words with different meanings, and their usage depends on the context. Resign is a verb that means to voluntarily quit or leave a job, position, or responsibility. Re-sign can either be a verb or a noun. When used as a verb, it means to sign again or renew a contract or commitment. As a noun, it refers to the act of signing again. To avoid confusion, it’s essential to pay attention to the context in which these words are used.

Definition of resign:
Verb, to give up a job or position by telling your employer that you are leaving
Faced with ethical concerns, the CEO chose to resign from the company, hoping to uphold principles of integrity.
After many years of dedicated service, the professor decided it was time to resign and pursue new opportunities in the field of research.

Collocations with resign:
Some most commonly used collocations include:
1. Resign from a position: describes the action of formally leaving a job, office, or role voluntarily.
After the controversy, the politician had no choice but to resign from his position.
2. Resign in protest: refers to the act of leaving a position as a form of protest against a particular policy or situation.
Frustrated by the company’s unethical practices, she chose to resign in protest.
3. Resign with dignity: indicates leaving a position while maintaining a composed and professional demeanor.
Even in the face of challenges, he decided to resign with dignity, maintaining a professional demeanor.
4. Resign due to health reasons: describes leaving a position because of health-related issues.
The CEO had to make the difficult decision to resign due to health reasons.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: the choice between resign and re-sign depends on the context and the meaning you want to convey. While both involve some aspect of commitment or departure, resign specifically refers to leaving a position, while re-sign refers to signing something again or renewing a commitment, often in the context of contracts or agreements. Paying attention to the hyphen is crucial in distinguishing between these two terms.