Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: the pronunciation of this word nowadays may make us think that writen is how we are supposed to spell however the right form is written. This is because the spelling has remained the same since the ages of Middle English, when written was actually pronounced with double t (notice, that if you try to say the word very slowly, double t may be heard).

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: written is spelled with double t because it used to be pronounced in a way that actually emphasized both t’s. The pronunciation then changed, but the spelling remained. Writen is a wrong form as we still write written just like in Middle English.

Definition of written:
verb, past participle form of write; to communicate with the help of characters like letters or numbers
Have you written this letter?
adjective, expressed with writing
It is easier to express your feelings when they are written.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling