Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: the word conclussion is a mistake because nothing in the etymology indicates that the word conclusion should be spelled with the double -s consonant. Its spelling is really simple. Therefore, conclussion is an incorrect form and the correct one is conclusion.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: conclusion is a well-known noun in the English language. It originates from Old French conclusion and from Latin conclusionem. Before putting it in a sentence, always remember the correct spelling, which is really simple and doesn’t contain any double consonants. Conclussion is just an error and the only right version of this word is conclusion.

Definition of conclusion:
noun, the opinion you have after considering all the information about something
The detective meticulously gathered clues and interviewed witnesses, ultimately leading to the shocking conclusion that the prime suspect was innocent.
The extensive research conducted over several years brought the researchers to the inescapable conclusion that human activity is the primary driver of climate change.

Collocations with conclusion:
Some most commonly used collocations include:
1. Controversial conclusion – a decision or judgment that sparks disagreement or debate among different parties or experts.
The study’s controversial conclusion about the benefits of a particular diet plan stirred up heated discussions within the scientific community.
2. Sound conclusion – a well-founded or valid decision based on logical reasoning and evidence.
The expert’s analysis led to a sound conclusion regarding the cause of the malfunction.
3. Unanimous conclusion – a decision or agreement reached by all parties involved.
The committee members unanimously reached the conclusion that additional funding should be allocated to the project.
4. Premature conclusion – a hasty or early decision made without sufficient evidence or consideration.
Jumping to a premature conclusion without conducting a thorough investigation can lead to incorrect assumptions.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling